Sunday, December 23, 2007

Well, okay, NOW they're all up...

I realized that I still had some photos to load on my Flickr page.  These are the set from our days in Cascas. 
Cascas is a small town, ~4500 residents, in the foothills of the Andes mountains, south of Trujillo.  We traveled by bus, and most of our route was on gravel roads.  The roads were narrow, 
with many twists and switchbacks in the last, steepest section.  

We spent a couple of days working there.  We happened to be there during a festival week, and were awakened to cannon shots (yep!) and a live band (yep!) at ~5 AM on the second day of our trip.  Wendi had a chance to play foosball with the locals one evening as we walked home through the plaza toward our hotel.  

They're still fresh, these memories...

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